
The energy industry is the grand total of all of the industries involved in the production and sale of energy, including energy extraction, manufacturing, refining and distribution. Our modern economies consumes large amounts of fuel and the energy industry is a crucial part of the infrastructure and maintenance of societies in almost all countries.

In particular the energy industry comprises of the following businesses: the petroleum industry, oil companies, nuclear power industry, petroleum refiners, fuel transport, electricity generation, gas industry, natural gas extraction, renewable energy industry, coal gas manufacture, electric power distribution, electrical power industry, coal industry, alternative energy and sustainable energy companies, wind power, hydroelectric power and solar power generation.

We at Mulder-Hardenberg are specialized in a variety of products and solutions for the energy industry. Our experienced staff has extensive knowledge of our wide assortment of high quality products and can help you decide whichever product is best for your situation. If desired we can often help you customize our products to create customer-specific solutions. Our one-stop shopping solutions consist of products and services in the following product groups:  

Mulder-Hardenberg have several specialties that can assist our customers in the energy industry with their projects. For each of these specialties our product experts are glad to assist you with any project or question you might have:

In the past Mulder-Hardenberg has worked together with a lot of different customers in the energy industry to help them with their challenges. See our related cases for some of the projects we’ve implemented for our customers.


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